martes, 3 de febrero de 2015

Novedad: Half the World de Joe Abercrombie

Hoy también sale a la venta Half the World, el segundo libro de la trilogía Shattered Sea de Joe Abercrombie. Esta es la sinopsis:

Sometimes a girl is touched by Mother War.
Thorn is such a girl. Desperate to avenge her dead father, she lives to fight. But she has been named a murderer by the very man who trained her to kill.

Sometimes a woman becomes a warrior.
She finds herself caught up in the schemes of Father Yarvi, Gettland’s deeply cunning minister. Crossing half the world to find allies against the ruthless High King, she learns harsh lessons of blood and deceit.

Sometimes a warrior becomes a weapon.
Beside her on the journey is Brand, a young warrior who hates to kill, a failure in his eyes and hers, but with one chance at redemption.

And weapons are made for one purpose.
Will Thorn forever be a pawn in the hands of the powerful, or can she carve her own path?

Aún no he podido leer la primera parte de la saga, Half the King, pero tras la trilogía de La Primera Ley, es casi una obligación leer todo lo que este hombre publica. No sé como será el cambio de Fantasía Adulta a Young Adult, y según muchas críticas este cambio se nota... y para mal. Aún así quiero ponerme al día con esta serie en cuenta pueda, y es que Joe es mucho Joe para mí :)

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